According to valence bond theory, how does electron sharing leads to between the atoms? The two types of model has been described covalent bond : first one is valence bond theory and second one molecular orbital theory. The covalent bond forms when two types of same elements atom or different element atoms and each singly and closely occupied orbitals on one atom overlaps a single occupied orbital on the other atom.
           Studying to valence bond theory, the atom it's electrons are now paired in the overlapping atomic orbitals and are attracted to the nuclei of the both atoms, these bonding that atoms together in the hydrogen molecule... Here  molecule is bond between to the two hydrogen molecule. The hydrogen molecule or H₂ molecule for instance H-H single bond. This bond result between from the overlap of two singly occupied hydrogen 1s orbitals. 
Energy releasesed when bond forms and Energy absorbed when bond breaks.
This two nuclei of the H2 molecules how close each others, if they bond too close they will repel and each other positively charged atom. If they bond too far they won't able to share the bonding electrons, there is optimum distance between the nuclei, leading to the higher stability it's call bond length, H2 molecule distance is 74 pico meter (pm) all covalent bond having both characteristic bond length and strength. 

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