Nitroglycerin is gained very nasty reputation soon after discovered in 1846. Unless kept colding the pale yellow, oily liquid denoted from even the mildest vibration. In the French film most wages of fear, four men agree to drive two trucks loaded with nitroglycerin over the mountains roads from a remote village in South America.
        They are to drive two trucks loaded with nitroglycerin to out of control oil well fire, where the explosive will be used to close off the well. On the way they are find the road obstructed by a big boulder that has rolled across it, and they decide to blast the boulder out of their way using some of their explosive cargo.
      You seen one of the men gingerly pouring nitroglycerin from a thermos bottle down a stick and into a hole in the rock. Beads of sweat from on his contorted face, while he tries desperately to suspend his breathing and any extra movement that might set off the nitroglycerin.
            Just little nitroglycerin, C₃H₅(ONO₂)₃(l) → 6N₂(ɡ) + 12CO₂(ɡ)+ 10H₂O(ɡ) +O₂(ɡ)
          The stability of the nitroglycerin of the products result from their strong bonds, which are much stronger than those in nitroglycerin triple bond, and carbon dioxide have two strong carbon - oxygen double bonds. The force of explosive of the reaction results from the rapid reaction and from the large volumes increasing on forming gaseous products.
                  In 1867's the famous Swedish scientist Alfred Noble discovered that nitroglycerin behaved better when absorbed on diatomaceous earth, a crumbly rock, giving an explosive mixture that Nobel called as DYNAMITE. Trinitrotoluene or nitroglycerin part of the wealth he made from his explosive factories was left in trust to establish the Noble Prizes. Although nitroglycerin explosive are often associated in people's minds with war, they are do have peacetime uses, including roads, buildings, mining for demolition. 

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