The uses of Dihdrogen (Hydrogen molecule H₂) as a fuel and investigated seriously since the 1970's when fuel and oil prices first dramatically and interest has increased greatly in more recent times the environmental pressure on further use of fossil fuels.
                           The Hydrogen elements is clean burning and nontoxic, it's production from fully renewable resources is slowly but inevitably replacing it's production from the fossil carbon feedstocks.
                            Compare the performance for hydrogen molecule and other energy carriers, such as hydrocarbon fuels and the lithium ion battery. Among the all fuels, Hydrogen molecule has the highest specific enthalpy, it's standard enthalpy of combustion divided by mass but has very low energy density, it's standard enthalpy of combustion divided by volume.
                                          It's obviously that DIHYDROGEN is an excellent fuel for vehicles provided the problems of non- board containment are solved.
In addition to it's choice as a rocket fuel, due to high specific enthalpy. The Dihdrogen can be used in conventional and internal combustion engines with small if any modifications to their design or specification.
                      However, the most important way of Dihdrogen in a vehicle is to react in a fuel cell to produce electricity directly it can give. The reliable and efficient power of Dihdrogen (H₂) fuel cells makes to produce Dihdrogen. The "on board" settings reforming of methanol and transportable and energy - dense fuel.
               The methanol fuels produce less energy than Dihdrogen fuel cells and therefore less attractive for vehicles. An automotive steam reformer the mixes methanol vapour with water seam and O₂( air) to produce Dihdrogen by the following reactions.

CH₃OH (ɡ) + H₂O (ɡ) →( Cu/Zno) CO₂(ɡ) + 3 H(ɡ) ∆H = + 49kj mol-¹
CH₃OH (ɡ)+ 1/2 O₂(ɡ) →(Pd) CO₂(ɡ) + 2H₂(ɡ) ∆H = -155kj mol-¹
               When these reactions occurs over the temperature range 200- 350⁰C, are controlled to that heat produced by the exothermic oxidation reaction just offsets that required for the reaction with the steam and the vaporization of all components. Excessive heat results in production of CI, which poisons the Platinum catalyst of the PEM fuel cell. The corbondioxide and Hydrogen products are separated with a Palladium membrane. 

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