The three types of hydrogen isotopes, H, D, T having a large difference in their atomic masses and their different types of nuclear spin, which gave rise to easily observed in NMR, and IR spectra of molecule containing these isotopes. 

¹H nor ²H (deuterium D) is actually radioactive but ³H (tritium T) decay by loss of beta (β)  particle to yield a rare but stable isotopes of Helium.
₁³H → ₂³He + β
The half - life for this decay is approximately 12.4 years. Tritium is abundance of 1 in 10²¹ hydrogen atoms in surface water reflects a steady state between it's production by the bombardment of cosmic rays on the upper atmosphere states and it's loss by radioactive decay. Tritium can be synthesized by neutron bombardment of ⁶Li or ⁷Li
₀¹n+ ₃⁶Li →₁³+ ₂⁴He + 4.78 MeV
₀¹n + ₃⁷Li → ₁³H + ₂⁴He + ₀¹n- 2.87 MeV
.                 β- Decay

Continous production of tritium from lithium is a key steps in the projected future generation of energy from nuclear fusion rather than the nuclear fission. The fusion reactor tritium and deuterium are heated to upto 100 MK to gives a plasma in which that nuclei react to produce ⁴He and a neutron.

₁²H + ₁³ H →₂⁴He + ₀¹n + 17.6 MeV
(∆H=- 1698 MJ mol ⁻¹)

The neutron is using to bombard a lithium blanket that have been enriching in ⁶Li to generate further tritium. This process is carries far fewer environmental risks than fission of  ²³⁵U and it's essentially renewable of the two primary fuels required, deuterium is readily available from water, although the natural abundance of lithium element is very low.

The chemical and physical properties of isotropologues, it's isotopically substituted molecules are usually very similar but not when D is, substituted for H, ad the mass of the substituted atom is doubled, that difference between boiling points and enthalpies are easily measurable for H₂ and D₂O it's reflects the greater strength of the O.. D-O  hydrogen and comparing with that of the O.. H- O bond because of the zeroth - point energy of the forming is lower. The compound D₂O is known " HEAVY WATER" and is used the moderator in the nuclear power plant, it's slow down emitted neutron and increasing the rate of the induced fission.

The reaction rates are measurably different for process in which E-H and E-D bonds, where E is the another chemical elements, are made, broken, or rearranged. The detection of this kinetic isotope effect can help to support a proposed reaction mechanism. Kinetic isotopic effect are frequently observed when the Hydrogen atom is transferred from one atom to another in the activated complex. For example, the electrochemical reduction of H⁺ (aq) to H₂(ɡ) occurs with substantial isotope effects with H₂ being liberated much more rapidly. A practical consequence of the difference types in rates of formation of H₂ and D₂ is that D₂O may be concentrated electrolytically, thus separation of the two isotopes.

The pure D₂O that's accumulation is then used to procedure pure HD by reaction with LiAIH₄ or D₂ is by electrolysis, in general reaction involves D₂O occurs more slowly than those involving H₂O and not surprisingly, D₂O and D - Substituted foods ingested in large quantities are poisonous for higher organisms. The frequencies of molecular vibration depends on the masses of Atom they are so strongly influenced by substitution of D for H. The heavier isotopes results in the lower frequency in the IR spectra of isotopologues to determine whether a particular IR absorption involves significant motion of a hydrogen atom in the molecule. The distinct properties of the isotopes makes useful as tracers. The Involvement of H and D through a series of reaction followed by IR and mass spectroscopy as well as by NMR spectrum tritium can be detected by it's radioactivity, which can be more sensitive probe than spectroscopy.

The another important of hydrogen nucleus is it's spin. The nucleus of hydrogen atom a proton l= 1/2 the nuclear spins of D and T are 1 and 1/2 respectively. As explained, proton NMR detection the presence of H nuclei in a compound and is a powerful method to determining structures of molecules even protiens with molecular masses as high as 20 kDa. Some typical ¹H- NMR chemical shift for some compounds of p and d block elements. Hydrogen atoms bonded to electronegative elements display deshielded NMR signals, at more positive values of chemical shift whereas hydrogen coordinated to metal ions with incomplete d subshells typically display more negative chemical shifts.
Molecular hydrogen is H₂ existing in two forms that differing in the relative orientation of the two nuclear spin.in ortho-hydrogen antiparallel (l =0) At T=0 hydrogen is 100 percent para position. As the temperature is raised the proportion of the ortho form in mixture at equilibrium increases until at room temperature there's approximately 75 percent ortho and 25 percent para. Most physical properties of the two forms are same, but the boiling and melting points of para-hydrogen are about 0.1⁰C lower than those of normal hydrogen and thermal conductivity of para- hydrogen is about 50 percent greater than that of the ortho form. The heat capacities also may differ. 
¹H-NMR chemical shifts. The tinted boxes show families of elements together. 

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