The quantum numbers, which are used to specify the energy, position and spin of an electron in an any atoms are called " Quantum numbers". These are 4 types of quantum numbers,

                                                  The principle quantum numbers telling about the distance of electrons from nucleus and energy.
                      Its represented by n, 
The total maximum number of electrons in orbit = 2n²,

K orbit     n=1,     2n² = 2× 1² = 2
L orbit     n= 2,    2n² = 2× 2² = 8
M orbit    n= 3,     2n² = 2× 3² = 18
N orbit    n= 4,     2n² = 2× 4² = 32


                                   It's telling about different types of subshell present in the shell.
                It's represented by 'l'.
For the given value of 'n' this value of 'l' will be 0 (zero) to ( n- 1)
                        The subshell are designated by small letters, s, p, d, f,........ This letter's comes from sharply, principle diffuse and fundamental lines of series in atomic spectra.

K shell, n=1, l=0 →s - subshell
L shell, n=2, l=0,1 →s,p- subshell
M shell, n=3, l=0,1,2 →s, p, d, - subshell
N shell, n=4, l=0,1,2,3, →s, p, d, f subshell
                                 The maximum numbers of electrons in subshell = 4l +2.        
s-subshell = 2.          p- subshell =6
d- subshell = 10.      f subshell = 14
                                      The shapes of the s-subshell is symmetrical spherical shape, p- subshell is dumbbell shape, d- subshell is double dumbbell shape, f- subshell is complicated (exactly not identified) 

The atomic orbital angular momentum of electron is determined by, 

          mvr = h/2π   √l (l+1)


It's telling about the orbitals of which a given subshell is composed, 
It's represented by "m" 
                                             This values of magnetic quantum number will be + l to - l and including zero. 
Note : subshell (or) sublevel, both are same
Magnetic quantum number is also called orientation quantum numbers. 


                   It's telling about the spinning electron around and it's own axis. It's represented by "s" 

The spin angular momentum of the electrons = h/2π √ s( s+ 1)

"s" can have two values +1/2 and - 1/2

        ↑                               ↓
    s = + 1/2                   s = - 1/2


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