CHD-  Coronary heart disease is a, the buildup of cholesterol - containing plaques. It's on the wall of heart arteries is the leads to cause of death for both women and men older than 20 in industrialised countries.
                                                 It's that estimated up to one - third of women and one-half of will develop the disease at some point in their life styles.

                                The onset of CHD disease is directly correlated with blood into the cholesterol levels. And the first step in disease prevention is to lower levels and it's turned out that only about 25% of our blood cholesterol comes from and what you eat :, The remaining of 75% about 1000 mg each day is biosynthesized in our live from dietary carbohydrates and fats. Thus, any effective plans for lowering our cholesterol levels, it's means limiting the amount that's our body makes, which is where a detailed chemical knowledge about of cholesterol biosynthesis comes in.
                                    All steroids, including the cholesterol, are biosynthesized from the chemical compound of triterpenoid lanosterol, which in turning comes from acetyl CoA through the isopentenyl diphosphate. If knew all you might able to the devise a drug that would block of those steps, by short - circuiting the biosynthetic process and controlling the amount of cholesterol produced.

                     But we can do know those mechanisms.!!?... Looking back for the biosynthesis of isopentenyl diphosphate from acetyl VoA. It turns out that the rate - limiting steps in the pathways is the reduced of 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl CoA. ( abbreviations HMG-CoA) to mevalonate, brought about by the enzymes HMG-CoA reductase. If that enzymes, could be stopped from the functioning, cholesterol, biosynthesis would also be stopped.

To find the drugs that blocks HMG-CoA reductase , chemist's did this two types of simultaneous and experiments on a larger number of potential drugs candidates isolated from soil microbes. In one experiment, only the drug candidate was added without from mevalonate. If cholesterol was produced only in the presence of added mevalonate drug but not in the absence of mevalonate, the drug candidates must have blocked the enzyme for mevalonate synthesis. 

The drugs that block HMG-CoA reductase, and those control cholesterol synthesis in the body, are called stains. They are mostly used prescribed drugs in the worldwide, with that an estimated 15 billion dollars in annual sales. They are so very effective that in the 10 years period following their introduction in 1994, the rate is from CHD disease decreased by 33% in the United States. Atorvastatin or Lipitor, simvastatin or Zocor, rosuvastati or Crestor, pravastati or Pravachol and lovastatin or Mevacor are some examples for drugs. The x-ray crystal structure of the active site in the MMG-CoA reductase enzymes is shown in the accompanying graphic, along with a molecule of Atorvastatin that's tightly bound in the active sites and stops the enzymes from functioning. A good understood of organic chemistry certainly paid off in this instance.

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