A unimolecular surface reaction may involve a reaction between a molecule "A" of the reactants and a vacant site "S" on the surface.

The mechanism below represented as follows ;

A + S    k₁        AS            ( adsorption)

AS         k−1    A+S        ( desorption)

AS         k₂      products (decomposition)

If, r is the rate of the reaction is proportional to the fraction θ of the surface covered.

                   r = k₂θ  ............................(1)

Assuming steady state approximation for concentration of as, 
We have 

r= d [AS ] = k₁ [A] [S]−k−₁ [AS]−k₂ [AS] = 0

 [AS] =  k₁ [A] [S] .....................(3)
             k−₁ + k₂

Here,    [S] = Cs (1−θ )

         [AS] = Cs θ
Therefore, the above equation is,

Csθ =  k₁ [A] Cs (1−θ ) .............(4)
              k−₁ + k₂

k₁ [A] Cs 1−θ = Csθ (k−₁ + k₂)

          1− θ   =   k−₁ + k₂  
             θ           k₁ [A]

        1  − 1 =   k−₁ + k₂    
        θ               k₁ [A]

       1  = k₁ + k₂         +1
       θ       k₁ [A] 

        1  =  k−₁ + k₂ + k₁ [A] 
        θ          k₁ [A]

∴ θ =            k₁[A]               ..................(5)
              k−₁ + k₂ + k₁ [A]

Substituting equation (5) in (1)

    r =    k₂k₁ [ A.]                   (6)
            k₁ [A] + k−₁ + k₂

  1  =   k₂k₁ [A ]                    
  r        k₂ + k₁ [A] + k−₁

 1  =    k₁ [A] + k−₁ + k₂     
 r         k₂ k₁ [A]

  1  =  1  +   k−₁ + k₂                       (7)
  r       k₂       k₁k₂ [A]

This is a linear equation of the types below, 
             Y= mx+c

   1   =  k₁k₂    ( 1 ) +  1 
   r        k₁k₂     [A]      k₂
  y         m         x        c

The plot of against 1/r versus   1 
Should give a straight line with slop 

       k−₁ + k₂      
      k₁ k₂
and the intercept is  1 

Expressing concentration in terms of partial pressure,
Therefore equation (6) and (7) we get

    r =  k₁k₂PA            
          k₁PA + k−₁ + k₂

  =  1  +   k−₁ + k₂                    (8)
 r       k₂      k₁k₂ PA

Special cases:-
Case:1   k₂ >> (k₁[A] + k−₁ )
            r = k₁ [A]
Case :2    k₂ >> (k₁ [A] + k−₁)

r =   k₁k₂ [A]               =  k₂k₁  [ A ]
       k₁[A] + k−₁             k [A] + 1

        =  k₂ k' PA         
            k' PA + 1

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