1) Inductive effect :-
                          Uniform magnetic field is, the electron surrounding a nucleus circulate, and setting up a secondary magnetic field is opposed to the applied field at the nucleus ( in below the figure. The solid lines are indicating the lines of forces associated with the induced field.
Low electron density = low field desheilding

As a resulting, nuclei in a region of high electron density experience field proportionately weaker than that in a region of low electron density and a higher field has to be applied to bring them into resonance. Such nuclei are to be shielded by the electrons. In summary, a higher electron density shields a nucleus, and causes resonance to occurs at relatively lower field (i.e.with high values of δ), and the nucleus is to be deshielded. The extent of the effect can be seen in the position of resonance of  ¹H of the methyl group is attached to the various atoms listed in the below the table. The electropositive elements for example, (Si, Li) shift the signals upfield, because they donating electrons and the electronegative elements ( O, N, Cl) shift the signals downfield, because they withdraw electrons. 

Chemical shift for methyl protons attached to the various atom in CH₃x

x                     δ                  x                       δ    
Li                  - 1.94           NH₂                2.47

SiMe₃              0.0             OH                 3.39

H                    0.23             F                   4.27

Me                 0.86           Cl                   3.06

Et                   0.91            I                    2.16   
Shielding                                    deshielding    

2) Van der Walls deshielding :-
                             In a rigid molecule it's possible for a proton to occupying a stericcally hindered position, and in consequence the electron cloud of the hindering group is will tend to repel, by the electrostatic repulsion, and electron cloud surrounding the proton. This proton can be desheilded and it's appearing higher level δ values than will be predicted in the absence of the effect. This effect will be manifested in overcrowded molecules like highly substituted Alkaloids or steroids. 

3) Anisotropy of chemical bonds :-
                   The position and chemical shift  of the protons it's attached to the C= C in alkenes is very higher than it can be account for by electronegativity effects alone. The same is that of aromatic protons and aldehydic protons.
                          The explanation lies with the π electrons circulating under the influence of the applied field. This induced electron circulation is called a ring current. The effect can leading to downfield shifts ((paramagnetic shifts) or upfield shifts ((diamagnetic shifts) In addition of the effects are paramagnetic in certain directions arrounding the π clouds, and diamagnetic in others, so that these effects are described as " anisotropic" as opposed to the isotropic operating equally through space. 

Alkynes :-
                 When alkene is so oriented that the plane of the double bonding is at 90⁰ to the direction of the applied field is, induced circulating of the π electrons generated to a secondary magnetic field, is diamagnetic arrounding to the carbon atoms, but paramagnetic, augment B₀ in the region of the alkene protons.

Where the direction of the induced field is parallel to the applied field B₀, the net value is always greater than B₀. The protons in this zones required a lower value of B₀ to come to the resonance and therefore appearing at the lower field higher δ values than expected. 
              Any group held above or below
the plane of the double and will experience a shielding effect, and since in this area's the induced field oppose B₀. In α-plane one of the geminal methyl group is held in just such a shielded position, and comes to resonance at significantly lower δ higher field than it's twin. The third R- CH₃ groups appear at higher δ lower field since, it's lies in the plane of the double bond and is thus deshielded.                                               

Carbonyl compounds :-
                                           The Hydrogen atom or molecule on a carbonyl group of an Aldehyde is lies in the plane of the molecule in the deshielded regions. Hence Aldehyde protons and protons of formyl esters appearing at high δ values.

Alkynes :-                                        
                     Circulation of the electron arrounding the triple bond and it's occurs and that the protons experience a diamagnetic shielding effect. The below figures shows how this arises, when the axis of alkyne group lies parallel to the direction of B₀. The cylinderical sheath of π electrons is inducing to circulating around the axis., and the resultant annulus- shape magnetic field act in a direction that opposes B₀ in the vicinity of the protons. The higher B₀ values are needed to bring the protons to resonance : therefore acetylenic protons appears at lower δ values in the spectrum.Aromatic compounds :-
                                   In the molecule of 

Aromatic compounds or benzene, the π electrons are delocalised cyclically over the aromatic ring. These loops of electrons are induced to circulating in the presence of the applied field B₀, producing a substantial electric current called is, the ring current. The magnetic field associated with this electric field has the geometry try and direction shown below the figure.
The induced field is diamagnetic opposing B₀ in the centre of the rings, but the returning flux outside the ring is paramagnetic augmented B₀. Protons arounding the peripheral of the ring experience a magnetic field is greater than B₀ higher δ values than would otherwise be so. Proton held above or below the plane of the ring resonance at low δ values. The nmr spectroscopy, one of the principle criteria using in deciding, an organic compound has substantial aromatic characters or not. For example (18) annulene sustained a ring current, so that the 12 peripheral protons are deshielded and the six internal protons are shielded. The outer protons appearing at 8.9 δ while the inner protons are above TMS  at - 1.8 δ
                           Another examples involves the dimethyl derivatives of pyrene molecule in which the methyl groups appearing at - 4.2 δ. This shows that the cyclic π electrons system arrounding the periphery of the molecule sustained a substantial ring current, and therefore indicating aromatic character in a non- benzoid ring system. The R- CH₃ group are very highly deep in the shielding zone of this ring current, and it's for this reason that they appearing at such an extraordinary δ values.

                                  The equatorial protons in cyclohexane rings, to the resonance about 0.5 δ values higher than axial protons, and this is attribute to anisotropic desheilding by the σ - electrons in the Br bonds shown below the figure. The effect is very small compared with the anisotropic influence of circulating π - electrons.
INTERMOLECULAR FACTORS :-                       
 1) Hydrogen atom :-
The Hydrogen atom is involved in hydrogen bonding is sharing it's electrons with two electronegativity elements. It's deshielding and comes into resonance at low field. For example in water, in very diluted solutions in CDCl₃, the hydrogen bonding is at minimum OH group and protons comes into resonance δ ≈ 1.5. In droplets of water, on other hand, suspended in CDCl₃, the molecules are hydrogen bond intermolecularly,they come into resonance at δ ≈4.0 The position of the resonance of the OH and NH protons of alcohols and amines is unpredictable, because the extent to which the hydrogen atom are involving in hydrogen bonding is both unpredictable and concentration dependent. The usual range is δ 0.5 - 4.5 for alcohols and 1-5 for amines

2) Temperature :-
The resonance position is one of the most signals is smart affected by temperature. But, NH, OH and SH protons resonates at higher fields at higher temperatures, because the degree of hydrogen bonding is reduced. 
3) Solvents :-                                                        chemical shifts are small affected by changing solvent from CCl₄ to CDCl₃ (±0.1ppm), but change to more polar solvent - such as methanol, acetone, DMSO - it does have a noticeable effect (±0.3 ppm) and benzene can have quite a larger effect (±1.0 ppm). Benzene - weakly solvent are of the lower electron density, since benzene has a powerful anisotropic magnetic field, and solute atoms lying to the side or underneath the solvating benzene ring, it can experience significant shielding or desheilding relative to their position in inert solvent like CCl₄.

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