F.S McKay,(1901)  dentist noticed that many of the patients had a mottled brown satin on their tooth enamel. He also noticed that in some patients less affected by tooth decay. He suspected that something in the water supply was responsible for this. When analysis (1930) science had advanced that McKay's suspicious were confirmed and high levels (12ppm) of fluoride ions was identified in the local water supply.
                                   After many researchers confirmed inverse relationships between the appearance of the mottled brown stain which is called "fluorosis" and the occurrence of dental cavities. It was found that fluoride ion levels upto 1ppm decreased the occurrence of tooth cavities without causing fluorosis. This observation led to widespread fluoridation of drinking water supplies in the Western world, which has drastically reduced the levels of tooth decay in all Sectors of the population. Fluoride has also been added to toothpaste, mouthwashes and table salt.

                                  All research suggests that fluoride prevention dental cavities by inhibition of demineralization and inhibition of bacterial activities in the dental plaque. Enamel and dentine are composed of hydroxyapatite, Ca₅(PO₄)₃OH. The hydroxyapatite is dissolved by acid present in foods, or produced by bacterial action on food. The fluoride ions from the fluoroapatite, Ca₅(PO₄)₃F, with the enamel, which is less soluble in acids than the hydroxyapatite. The fluoride ions are also taken by the bacteria, where they disrupt enzyme activities and reduced acid production.

The fluoridation of public water supplies is controversial, opponents have claimed that it's linked to increasing risk of cancer. The Down's syndromes and heart disease, although thus far, there has been no convincing evidence to support to this claims. Opponents also claims that mass fluoridation infringes and civil liberties and that the long-term effects of increasing fluoride levels in rivers habitats is not yet known. But it's available on the sea side and some lake water. 

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